

Lone Ranger

Medium: Acrylic paint & colored pencil on gessoed board
Size: 16
Year 1994

Clayton Moore's big break came in 1949, when George Trendle spotted him in Ghost of Zorro. As producer of the radio show and creator of "The Lone Ranger" character along with writer Fran Striker, Trendle was about to launch the masked man in the new medium of television. Moore was cast on sight.

With the first notes of Rossini's stirring "William Tell Overture" and announcer Fred Foy's, "Return with us now, to those thrilling days of yesteryear...", Moore and co-star Jay Silverheels in the role of Tonto made television history as the first western written specifically for that medium. The Lone Ranger soon became the highest-rated program to that point on the fledgling ABC network and its first true "hit", earning an Emmy nomination in 1950.

Signed bottom center "drew"

© Copyright drew Struzan 1994